S No. |
1. |
Tags or scripts are served asynchronously and synchronously both |
All the tags are served asynchronously only |
2. |
Complete integrations with Google Analytics, Adobe SiteCatalyst, and Adobe Test & Target is provided |
No support for tools like A/B testing, surveys, personalization, product recommendations, or tags that require multiple snippets in different locations of the page. |
3. |
DTM allows to capture variable from anywhere of the page |
Each variable is stored manually and available for the same page and can’t be captured from other pages |
4. |
It is not completely free available |
It is available free of cost, anyone can start using it |
5. |
It is not easy to use, training is must |
Slight study can make you use GTM |
6. |
DTM and Adwords synchronization is not that great |
GTM and Adwords synchronization is awesome |
7. |
Testing is complex |
Testing is very easy |