Using a Facebook page to make your business more successful and more trustworthy is an excellent idea – it is what people expect in today’s technologically advanced world, and without a page like this, you could easily let your competitors get ahead of you. Yet having a page and having people visit it are two different things, and it can be disheartening to create a page for your business and only ever gain a handful of likes.

In order to have more followers – and therefore be more successful – there are a few things you can do. You need to make your posts go viral, and here are some ways to get started.


If you have a particularly important message to send out, or you have just started, and you don’t have many page likers as yet, it can be useful to pay to boost your post so that more people see it. You can even work with a Facebook designer to create an ad that will really work well. These boosts don’t cost a huge amount (in fact, you can set your budget to exactly what you can afford), but the more you pay, the more people will see your ad.

If you don’t have the funds to hand, same day loans will be something that can help you. You can quickly pay the money back, and you’ll be able to boost your post sooner rather than later.

Ask For Help

Something that many people don’t do, either because they don’t think of it or they are embarrassed, or perhaps even too proud, is to ask for help in sharing their posts. However, simply by asking for a share or a like from friends and family, you can really start to push your content out further.

Every time someone you know shares what you have written, a number of people you don’t know will see it. These are the people who might realize that you can help them, that you are selling exactly the product or service that they need. They will then come to you, but they will also hopefully share your post too, and then even more people will see it, and so on.

Good Content

In order for a Facebook post to go viral, it is going to need to contain good content. It needs to be informative and interesting; in other words, it needs to be sharable. People aren’t going to share your post if the content is lacking in some way, especially when there are so many other posts that can be shared and enjoyed.

Take a look at the most popular Facebook posts around and the ones that made you want to click on ‘share’. What was it about them that interested you, and many thousands of other people? Were they funny? Interesting? Full of useful information? Did they have a good discount offer, or perhaps gave some free advice? Use this to create your own posts that will be shared more.